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Eating pizza with a naked Chad

added by Wanderer 8 years ago BM I O

... grabbed a pizza slice behind the delivery guy. The delivery guy looked at the retreating arm of Chad and looked back to see him naked and stared for a mere few seconds of silents minus some aroused moaning from the statues. The delivery guy broke the silence, ".... Is there a reason why you're naked?" Chad replies, "Don't ask, let's just eat the damn pizza." The pizza guy shrugs and continues eating along with Chad. A few minutes later, one box of pizza is finished and both sat on Bruno's couch and watch a football game. "You sure you're not gonna get some clothes man? Aren't you even cold?" Chad looked down at his body and back at the delivery guy and replied, "Later. I just want to enjoy my freedom." The delivery guy wasn't sure what he meant but at least he has company aside from these bizarre rubbery statues in sexual positions or looks like trying to flee. The delivery then broke the silence again aside from the quiet moans and the sound from Bruno's TV, "I would like to ask why these statues are moaning but I think I'll pretend that they don't exist." Chad nods in agreement trying to bury the thoughts of being Rick's speedo and being turned into a plastic tub and have multiple sentience of his being into a speedo clones and converting them into living rubber statues. He still feels his essences in those statues too. Also in Bruno, Rick, and Todd.

After watching the game, Chad went up to Bruno's bed room to take some clothes off his room wearing a nice boxers, jogging pants, and a sweat shirt even though they barely fit him and meet up with the pizza guy at the front door and went out where the pizza guy was waiting as Chad closed the door and ran to him. "My name is Kyle." Kyle greets to Chad, "Chad. You going somewhere?" Kyle replies, "I've gotta go back to Hut's Pizza, I've been here for too long and will lose my week's paycheck."

"Ok, well, I need to head home, I'll see you later." Chad says as he runs the opposite way where Kyle heads to Hut's as he walks alone.

A few hours later after some talking with his manager, he closed up the store and walked back home at the middle of the night. Just then, he feels a tingly feeling in his crotch as his dick soon feels stiff and showing a bump in his pant crotch and rubs it to ease it down. He stops in the middle of the sidewalk underneath a street light and checks his surroundings. He looks down again to see it become more hard and he groans in discomfort. (My house is not that far. If I can run there, I might reduce this erection." he says to himself and makes a mad dash. It made it worse.

A few streets later, he soon reaches his house and reaches for his keys in panic and arousal in his left pocket and tries to put in the key in the hole but his hand was jittery and he saw a strange purple rubber on his left hand which left him shocked. "Wh-what the hell is happening to me?!" Kyle stammers as he managed to unlock the front door and gets in. Kyle then slams the door and runs up stairs to his room, turns on the bedroom light, and immediately takes his pants and shirt off and his underwear as well. What he saw made him gasp in terror. His dick was erect and rubbery! He was hyperventilating from the transformation as he saw the next transformation process. His dick, still hard but is sinking into his crotch and the purple rubber was spreading from his crotch. He tries to rub it off but it soon spread to his hand, that was a big mistake as the rubber soon travels up to his fingers and watches them fuse into mittens along with his thumb. "N-no! I need those!!" Kyle then feels his asshole seal up as the rubber spreads behind him and up his back, legs and his torso. He feels his rubbery skin sensitive and starts rubbing the skin turned purple rubber on his body. He then feels a little dizzy and sits down on the floor with his back towards the wall and already sees his legs covered in solid but shiny rubber and sees his feet being converted into rubber as his toes then fuse together leaving his feet looking like rubbery socks attached to his body. He continues to rub himself as the rubber already coats his arms and shoulders and back of his neck. It soon eats up his head of hair and the rubber already reaches his chin and then his mouth, "N-noommmph!!" his word was muffled as he lets out muffled grunts as it soon covers his nose realizing he's still alive and doesn't need to breath as finally envelops his ears and rest of his head. He then feels his sensitive rubbery skin eats away his facial features leaving it a smooth purple rubber head behind and squirms and moans as he draws near orgasm and rubs his crotch. But he's can't fully release himself, "MMmmph!!! MMMph!!!" his rubbery body thrashed wanting release as it continues on for at least ten to twenty minutes and passes out as the near release soon levels out as Kyle passes out as he lets out a quiet moan one last time.... An hour later....

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