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Unclogging Chad's drain (Clean plunger)

added by Wanderer 7 years ago I

(Note: Not sure if they can still speak or at least gurgle, but okay.)

As Bruno left, the locker room making a mischievous chuckle and down the hallway, the three turned toilets stood their and just wait for other male students and/or teachers to use them as they just gurgle in boredom. Just an hour later, Jaysen was one of the student's first sword fencing team, came into the locker room and was passing through the toilet stalls area humming his favorite tune to use the toilet, when he opened up Chad's stall and realizes that it was clogged w/ crap.

"Oh geez, who's the asshole who forgot to unclog the toilet?!" He asked to no one angrily. Just then he heard a gurgled voice coming from the toilet as half stepped away from the stall, "Gggrrrghlfff!!"
"What the?" He looked back at the clogged toilet. He could've sworn that was Chad's voice. Just then, other two gurgling voices were right next by. He recognizes them too, but he was focused on the clogged Chad. "Chad? What the hell happened to y-" He then realizes that he needs to unclog his bowl and grabs the plunger from somewhere in the locker room. Chad was starting to panic and made panicking gurgling sounds as Jaysen came back w/ a dirty plunger. "Ggrrrrrrrrgghhhllnnn!!!" Jaysen stopped almost grazing Chad's bowl cocking his brow. "What?"

Another gurgling panic from Chad, begging him not to use the dirty plunger. He then goes back to a normal pose, while still holding the plunger, w/ the dirty rubber sucker close to his face. "You don't want this in your mouth do ya, Chad?" There was an affirmative gurgle. Jaysen sighs, well, we can't let you be clogged for good, at least let me clean the rubber part so I can at least unclog you. Chad lets an argument gurgle. As if Jaysen knew Chad was saying, Rick and Todd's minds were wondering how does Jaysen know what he's speaking if his mouth is full of shit and stuff? Let alone a mouth/bowl full of toilet water like them?

After a few minutes of bizarre arguments, Chad gave a gurgling submission and goes w/ Jaysen cleaning the plunger. "Thank you for understanding Chad. I'll make sure to make it super clean." He then walk out of Chad's stall, grumbling to himself, "I hate dirty stuff like this plunger here too." After a thorough cleaning the rubber part and the handle w/ lots of water and hand soap, Jaysen then comes back w/ a clean plunger, a plunger that is so clean that it gained a shine from the locker room lights. Chad then let a gurgled groan. "Sorry, Chad, I know you don't like it more than I do, but here we go!" Warned Jaysen as he started to plunge Chad.

There was a garbled scream and water and shit sloshing that made Rick and Todd scared for what might happen to them next if they were clogged as it continued on for at least a good two minutes of plunging. Then, Chad's drain was unclogged. To Chad, his horror was reduced since Jaysen cleaned the plunger good. And he's a damn good cleaner too! Jaysen then placed the plunger to the floor and realize what happened. "So, if I know correctly, you, and the other two at the stalls to their right were sprayed w/ the inanimation spray and you guys turned into living toilets?" An affirmative gurgle came from Chad. "Bruno's crazy idea?" Another affirmative gurgle. Jaysen sighs, "Well, not sure how long it's gonna last, but, I'll do this." Jaysen pulls out some sort of permanent pen and writes a name "Chad" behind his toilet leg and go does that to the other two stalls, knowing their gurgling voice as Rick and Todd. I wrote your names w/ this marker because it'll protect you from the inanimation's mental degradation effect. Good thing I got a supply crate of the antidote since my brother, who sprayed himself w/ the inanimation spray to become my living morphsuit as a birthday present from him, in my house. I'll be back for it soon. Since my brother decided to become my living morphsuit forever!" he says and murmurs under his breath, "Idiot... Who does that really?" and walks away. He then tells the three as he marks the three stall doors "Out of Order" just in case, "Don't make any sounds until I come back okay?" And exits out the locker room door. Both Todd and Rick let out a gurgling sigh. Just then, the locker door banged open as Jaysen realize what he came for, and opens up Todd's stall. "Sorry man, you're the closest!" Jaysen pulls his pants and underwear down and sits on Todd's toilet seat as a highest gurgling scream echoed the locker room as Jaysen gave him the baddest and longest shit in his bowl.

After a good few minutes, he then flushed and cleaned the seat and bowl of Todd and then goes out and make his way back home. A defeated gurgle came from Todd as he was now a victim of diarrhea as Rick made a gurgling laughter.

What happens now?

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