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Toilet Searching

added by Wanderer 7 years ago BM I O

<Fuck me... Did the contractors come by and replace them?> Jaysen mentally asked in his head as he is surrounded by ten new people. And another realization just hit him like train and realize their names were not on their toilet legs! As the other toilet turned men stare at each other and try talking to each other but speak like cavemen as Jaysen thinks in his head, <There's still time. And if I'm correct, the information of the three's whereabouts should be at the principal's room. Their memories or intelligence wouldn't ebb away too fast, unless used alot. No! Must focus, if I go now, I can still get to them.> Jaysen makes a quiet getaway as the ten toilet turned men make weird love to each other.

Sneaking into the principal's room after school, he then searches high and low for the information of the three toilets until he found the files in the file cabinet in the back of the room. He then opened up the folder and was shocked. "Oh fuck me hard..." Jaysen mutters in his breath. Chad was located in a gay club, Todd was in a truck rest stop, as for Rick, well, he's somewhat okay since he's at a nice house. <I can save Rick later, Chad or Todd are going to be in shit's creek w/o a paddle if I don't get to them soon!>

Taking picture of the locations which were a bout five ten miles away from the school, maybe a bit more w/ his mobile, he calls in his best friend who had graduated college. As the phone rings, he checks his memento marker, the marker he used to keep Chad's, Todd's, and Rick's mentality afloat as living toilets, and a pocketful of antidote vials in his backpack. Just then someone picked up the phone, "Heya Jaysen, what's up?"

"Kayne, can you pick me up? I gotta save some people before they lose their sanity." Jaysen asked.
"Okay, be there in five." Kayne ends the call. Jaysen then puts away his phone and cleans up his trace of him being around the room and leave. At the front of the school, Kayne shows up at the parking lot as Jaysen comes up to him.
"Where to first?" Kayne asked

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