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Folded and Waiting for a Rider

added by Wanderer 6 years ago BM I O

The cranes come to life and pick up Matt's scattered pieces as he struggles in vain and muffled screams. Luke on the other hand has his conscious dimly aware and lets out a small muffled moan and flexes whatever human evidence he has like his fused toe on his muffler legs and feels the floor shift as it takes him to the next room. He can't see, but can hear through his handle bars hearing Matt's muffled screaming.

Matt can feel his one piece suit body bein folded up by the cranes and is placed on the table few feet opposite of Luke's position. His boot feet then rest at the foot of the table, gloved hands to his right body suit and his helmet on the left staring at Luke's bio motorcycle body. The cranes then connects to his cuffs and collars installing som sort of protection to his mentality and some sort of HUD he can see before retreating back to the walls. He can see the cranes attatch on to Luke at the back of his head and the gasoline or bio fuel/battery intake at his back as his too was installed like Matt was.

In Matt's vision, he sees strings of data he can somewhat understand as he realize he is being synched to Luke. Now both Matt and Luke have the ability to mental chat to him and tries it out.

Matt- <Luke, can you hear me?! Luke!!>
*ERROR: Luke is unable to reply back due to low battery but will reply later. Estimated time to charge: 7:58:06*

Matt can't wait for that long, but he knows he's aware, just dimly. The programs inside him controls his interior temperature, the nano repair systems, and his wireless link to Luke, and checks his status too while they both have memory and personality protection. He grunts with effort trying to unfold his body or move, but only a wiggle from his scattered bio motorcycle outfit. He then scans for a program to make him magnetize to his whole body back into place, finds it, only to be locked. He needed more milage points at a certain number in order to do that and groans in disappointment as he has to wait for someone to wear him and get that ability.

The door opposite to where they came and transformed opens.

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