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in Stonewood Male Dormitory by anyone tagged as none

Stonewood Male Dormitory

Justin the Chair embarrasses itself

added by grrside 5 years ago I Furniture

Classes had begun more than ten minutes ago, but for Justin the Chair traversing the school hallways was an odyssey in itself. The naked and trembling piece of furniture still hadn’t gotten used to walk with its four new legs. They were so stiff that the little chair was practically dragging them against the floor, causing an annoying squeaking noise as it went along. The cursed boy’s cock and balls swayed from side to side, smelly sweat dripping from them.
Finally, Justin arrived to class 203, the classroom Professor Macguffin had told him to go into. The fat professor hadn’t given it further instructions however as he seemed to be handling a very important matter at the teacher’s restroom at the moment.

The chair tried to grab the doorknob only to be made once again aware of the fact that it didn’t posses the luxury of hands anymore. It cost the chair an embarrassing amount of effort to knock on the wooden door with one of its front wooden legs.
Knock... knock!
“Come on in.” Answered a voice on the other side of the door.
Justin cleared his throat and spoke shyly. “Uh... That would be difficult. Could you open the door?”
The chair had a small flashback of the little puppy his old human self used to have at home. The small dog would knock on the bedroom door with its little front paws, and then it could only whine pleadingly until a human had the consideration to open the door for it.
Justin felt exactly the same as that small puppy right then.

Professor Francis opened the door to be greeted by the pitiful sight of the nude boy who had been deprived of its status as a living being.
“Ugh! This chair is so out of shape!” He remarked.
The chair felt insulted. Sure, it wasn’t the pinnacle of fitness itself but it wasn’t overweight! Those were its thoughts but, of course, Professor Francis wasn’t talking about the former boy’s lack of muscle but about its sturdiness as a chair.
“It can barely stand for itself! It’s all wobbly and shivering! All sweaty and ungroomed...!”
“Umm... Well, time was running short, so...”
“...And it TALKS?” Francis was flabbergasted. “That’s quite the unnecessary gimmick for a chair!”
Justin tried hard to ignore how the teacher was disapproving of everything that differentiated it from a plain regular chair. “Professor MacGuffin said you needed a chair in your classroom...”
“Well, that fat good-for-nothing must’ve had misheard. We own the exact amount of chairs needed for this classroom. 30 student chairs for 30 students. Your assistance is not needed. Ugh! I can’t believe a piece of talking furniture is interrupting my lecture!”
Justin was unsure of what to do. “Should this school chair remain outside?”
“Yes...! Wait, no, that would clutter the school halls...” Francis sighed. “Come inside and stand in the back of the classroom, but do not dare to cause further delays in my lecture!”
Justin walked in and Francis closed the door behind it. The chair was annoyed at the man, but when he saw the whole classroom it gasped.

In the classroom 30 male students were seated. Most of them were young adults, although some were a bit older. The majority consisted of humans but there were also transfer students that were more exotic, like some golems and half-demons. But the reason Justin had gasped was that while the students came in all shapes and sizes they all had something in common: they weren’t school propriety.
Some were dozing off in boredom, some were studying, some were joking with each other...
...Justin should have been one of them. A person wasn’t supposed to be treated differently! A person wasn’t supposed to be a talking chair! A person wasn’t supposed to be in front of these youthful males in all of its naked glory!

Francis coughed and Justin snapped back to this harsh reality. With resignation, he began walking across the classroom. Some of the students looked at the chair with curiosity and whispered among themselves.
“Huh. Isn’t that an animated chair? I hear they’re all the rage across the pond, but I don’t really see them as an improvement.”
“Why is it pink?”
“Heh, look bro! That chair has a dick!”
“It looks like a naked dude on all fours. It looks both creepy and pathetic at the same time...”
“Mmm... If it talks, maybe we can force it to whisper test answers to us!”
“Oh, it’s getting closer...! Ugh! It smells like hundreds of fat dudes have sat on it already.”
“The school’s having budget cuts, surely.”
Justin kept walking with its eyes closed, as if doing so the comments would hurt half as much. But the comments kept coming.
“Why is it shaking so much?”
“It’s all bobbly and pale... Maybe he needs a blanket?”
“Hahaha, he also has an asshole on the other side!”
“I hope I don’t have to sit on it...”
“Oh shit, look, its eyes are getting watery... Is it crying?!”

In its blind walk of shame, Justin had tripped and fallen. It tried to get up, but the chair could only shake its legs pathetically.
The whole class, including Professor Francis, bursted out laughing.
“It’s...n-not f-funny! Bu...BWAAAAAH!” Said the chair, its eyes full of tears.
“Oh good lord, that was something else....Hahahaha!” Francis laughed some more. “Oh, but please, someone help that chair get up... Mr. Rockbreaker?”
“Hahahaha... Uh, did someone say my name?” Granite Rockbreaker was a huge stone golem. He used to work at the mines before his summoner decided that the huge brute needed to pursue some knowledge and live by itself because he couldn’t just waste his life away punching rocks... And besides, taking care of a huge golem was costly.
“Put that chair upright, Mr. Rockbreaker.”
“Fuck...! Why does everyone wants to use my muscles for every small thing? That junk’s not even a rock, it’s made of pink wood.”
“No swearing in class, Mr. Rockbreaker...”
Granite stood up as he mumbled incomprehensibly to himself. “You frigging humans and the stupid junk you made me do in this school full of junkies all the freaking time as you jerk the hard wood that is your junk and...”

Justin was still struggling to get up when he felt a huge hand grab him on one of his back legs. He yelped when he realized the huge stone golem was lifting his fragile wooden body like it was nothing.
Granite the golem carried the small chair across the classroom and placed it near the back, where it hopefully wouldn’t distract the class from the lecture anymore.
The chair gulped. It looked at the huge golem and was impressed at how big and muscular it was. The grey stone golem’s bald head stared back at the chair with the big yellow orbs it had for eyes. Unlike the naked chair, the golem was wearing a red school uniform that looked a few sizes too small for his gigantic pecs.
The huge brute noticed something peculiar about the chair. The chair’s face was turning red with shame as he looked at it.
“A chair that feels shame... That’s rare to see. And this is coming from a guy who was born from a bunch of rocks and dark magic.”
“W-well... I-it’s complicated to explain...” Justin stammered. His entire body was shaking and his dick was contracting itself. Would it be ok to tell this brute the truth? Justin couldn’t wait for the class to be over. It wanted to go to Hank’s hut and find a way to get out from this situation as soon as possible, but as long as it was still school time, it had to kept up the act...
“Mr. Rockbreaker, back to your seat.” Francis ordered, cutting out their conversation short.
“You’re a weird chair.” Granite said and turned around. “Cute dicklet by the way.” He wiggled his little stone finger as he left. “Hahahaha.”
The chair wanted to die from the embarrassment.

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